Agenda 2012

– January:

1-10: I’m in Belgium. I spend some time with my Belgium family.

My mother is 75 and my father 80. My older brother has physical problems and he need it some help also.

14-21: Ski camp with Romanian youth.

25-31: I’m going to South Korea. To visit churches and peoples for fundraising. To help mission work among Romanian youths

– February:

1-29: South Korea

March :

1-14: South Korea

15-22: Renovations construction in the family of Pascal Zander. On my return to Belgium, I live with this family.

23-25: I will be in France for the General Assembly of YFC France.

26: I will go back to Romania. We will plan YFC Romania summer activities

– April :

1-30: We will work on renovation of our YFC Romania National Office and Center in Arad city.

9-11: Evangelizing club in Arad City.

18-22: I was invated to help the National Ladies Conference in Brasov city.

24: Evangelizing concert in Timisoara city.

26-28: I will go with Wheelchair Basket ball Team from Arad to the National handicape competition at Bucurest.

– Mai: 

1-4: John Dunca, YFC Europe director, will come to visit us in Romania.

14-23 : We will work on renovation of our YFC Romania National Office and Center in Arad city.

18-19: Wheelchair Basket ball competition at Boegrad, Sarbia

21: YFC Romania, Board of Directors Meeting

25-26: Worship Conference at Arad City

27-30: Friends from Spain will come for helping some social work in Romania.

– June:

01: This day is the national day for childrens and teenagers. We will go to school for organazing many activities.

03 : Our church Metanoia have a baptize service and a big picnic.

04-06: I will go to Oltenia (South of Romania) to meet church’s leaders.

12-17: A team from Switzerland will come for helping YFC Romania ministries.

18: I will go to Bratasanca for praparing Evangelizing week on August for Young Peoples.

19: I will go to Oltenia Area in Bistreti and Rast villages to meet churche leaders

22-24: I will go to Brasov, to help a good friend to organize a conference for his Buisness Company.

22-24: I will go to help a good friend to organize a conference for his Buisness Company.

25: YFC Romania, Board of Directors Meeting

27-30: I will go to Belgium to help my parents.

– July:

01-30: I will go to drive my parents in southern France. My father is no longer allowed to drive for medical reasons, I will accompany them for their annual vacation. That’s 39 years they are going in the same place. And for my father, who remain trapped in his appartment in Belgium. Holidays in France is one of is last pleasure remain. My mother has had heart problems 2 years ago, so she is physicaly more weak.

– August : 

10-19: A larg Evangelizing activities at Bratasanca village with the local church. Sports, Games, Concert and Arts.

27-02: Evanghelizing activities at Arad City with severals churches partnership. Sports, Games, Concert and Arts.

– September :

12: Big Barbecue and walking on hill for YFC volunters of Arad.

17-19: NGOs Fair at ARAD city.

24-30: Week of sports, christian movies and musics at Rast. South of Romania (the most poor area of Romania)

– Octomber :

04-08 : International Wheelchair Basket Ball Competition in Bulgaria (Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Rep. Moldova)

13 : Youth For Christ Romania, Board meeting and General Assembly

09-21 : Renovation of our Youth meeting room at YFC Office.

22-28 : National conference for church Leaders.


November :

2-3 : Global Leadershhip Sumit, at Cluj Napoca.

9-10 : Global Leadershhip Sumit, at Bucurest.

16-17: Global Leadershhip Sumit, at Craiova.

23-24: Global Leadershhip Sumit, at Hunedoara.

– December :

7-8: Global Leadershhip Sumit, at Timisoara.

10: Christmas Concert at Univeristy of Timisoara with the Christian Students Choir and YFC Romania Sketch Team

13: To Craiova City : Christmas Evanghelization party at Univercity for students.

14: To Hateg City : Christmas Evanghelization  party with the local church

15: To Rast Village : with our pentomim group « Antidot » We will have activities for kids, teenagers and at the churchu service.

16: To Craiova City: Christmas Evanghelization party with one local church

18: YFC Romania Sketch Team at Arad city, front of city Hall

21: YFC Romania Sketch Team at Arad city, front of city Hall

22: YFC Romania Sketch Team at Arad city, front of city Hall

23-31: I will go to Belgium to have Christmas time with my Belgium family.

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