Agenda 2011

– January :

1-9 : I’m in Belgium to help my parents.

They moved location to center of city of Liege, in Belgium. My mother is

74 and my father 79.

15-22 : camp with 13 young peoples in mountains

28-30 : mission week-end in our church planting at Bistret village, south of Romania, with 7 youth from my church.

– February :

16-20 : camp with 16 students in mountains.

March :

4-6 : mission week-end in our church planting at Bistret village, south of Romania, with 6 youth from my church.

11-13 : evangelizing week-end in Tamna village, south of Romania.

16-23 : I’m Belgium for my both parents birthday.

25-27 : mission week-end in Wien, Austria. With 33 peoples from my church, we went to help a Romanian church in Wien.

– April :

16-17 : mission week-end in our church planting at Dumbravani.

21-24 : mission week-end in our church planting at Bistret village, special Easter.

– Mai : 

12-14 : Handicap sport competition in Bucharest. I’m going with 6 wheelchairs friends for Basket Ball and Athletic national competition for disable peoples.

17-20 : In Romania, meeting with Bob Tanner (Leader of Central YFC Europe), Jean Philippe (YFC France) and his wife (On September, they will work full time with YFC Romania). We talk about a new program for YFC Romania

23-26 : National conference for 700 church leaders in Bucharest, with Gary Chapman
and Don Christensen. I’m responsible for all technical part.

27-28 : I will meet Jean Philippe at Targu Mures. We will meet youth leaders and will talk about Rock Solid Club. Activities for sharing the gospel for teenagers.

29 : Bistreti, with 2 church leadrs, we went to our church planting at Bistreti for resolving big problem with church members.

– June :

1 : The first of June, in Romania, it’s the national day for childrens. 

– From 08 to 11 hours, at Lazareni, with the Rad family, we went to their Gipsy school to organize a lot of fun activities.

– From 17 to 19 hours, at Arad, with local church, we organize fun activities in a school. 

4-10 : I will go alone in South of Romania, Oltenia. I will spend time and fellowship with church members at Bistreti. That church has a lot of problems.

13 : Baptize. 28 peoples from our church get Baptize. 2 days preparations. More than 2.000 peoples was there.

16 : I will go to Zalau to get information about families whom have childrens with mental and physical problems. A fondation from Spain want to help them.

23 : I will go to Belgium to stay one month with my parents.

– July :

01-30 : I will go to drive my parents in southern France. My father is no longer allowed to drive for medical reasons, I will accompany them for their annual vacation. That’s 38 years they are going in the same place. And for my father, who remain trapped in his appartment in Belgium. Holidays in France is one of is last pleasure remain. My mother has had heart problems last year, so she is not physicaly so well.

– August :

4-6 : I will help a verry good friend of mine to organize his Wedding. We went to a lot of mission trip together.

8-13 : Camp at Briheni for 60 childrens and teenagers, all are coming from a gipsy school.

17-20 : Music festival and Evanghelizing in the city of Bratasanca.

27-04 : Day-camp in our church planting at Bistreti.

– September :

In September I wanted to Go in Korea but for severals problems and also financialy I was not able to go in Korea.

11 : Helping to organize a wedding for good friends.

16 : Organazing a Big Concert at Arad for a good friend of mine.

22-24 : Training for GLS (Global Leadership Sumit) 

30-02 : Mission Team at Bistreti

– Octomber :

05-12 : I went to Belgium for Helping my Parents

13-14 : I help a good friend of mine whom has a big distribution company fir there 20 years birthday. We was 160 peoples and many was not Christian.

21-22 : Helping Penticostal Conference at Arad.

25-29 : Helping a National Inter-Confessional Conference for Church Leaders at Sovata.

November :

03-06 : GLS (global leadership training) – at Cluj Napocat 

10-13 : GLS (global leadership training) – at Bucarest

17-20 : GLS (global leadership training) – at Craiova

24-27 : GLS (global leadership training) – at Hunedoara

– December :

01-03 : GLS (global leadership training) – at Timisoara

12 : Helping to Organize Christmas Concert at Timisoara, for Students

14 : Helping to Organize Christmas Concert at Craiova, for Students

16-18 : Mission Team at our church planting at Bistreti, Special Christmas activities

20 : Christmas concet at Arad, organize by my church Metanoia.

21-28 : I will be in Belgium for Christmas with my Parents.

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