News 2012

My Mission News Letter from November 2012 to March 2013

Dear all friends,

Many of you are waiting impatiently for the warmth of spring. Here in Romania, it is the same thing. For more than 20 years I have been in Romania, this month of April
2013 is one of the most cold and gray color. Usually in April, the colors come out from everywhere … trees, flowers and clothes we wear.

In the Bible we read this verse in Matthew 9:37 Then Jesus said to his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few. The next 20 years, God willing, with YFC Romania, I want to train young people to take their responsibility. I want to share with them the years of experience that God has allowed me to live as a missionary in Romania. For 1 year, we work as a team. We are nine people in four different regions (see the map of Romania). Teamwork and train young people in these areas are very important goals. I’m really excited and happy for the next 20 years to come … of course with your help and prayers.

My personal news:

I’m fine. My physical health is very good. I have not health problems this winter. I pay more attention, more exercise, bike … especially this winter, I have a bike in my apartement. And also for over a year, every morning I drink warm water with a big tablespoon of honey. One kilogram of natural honey every month, and for very cheap, I bought those honey from a friend here in Romania.

My moral and spiritual health are very good too. Since we work as a team, I learned to work a different way. A team is a lot of relationships, communications and managerial characters and different personalities. But God helps me to manage these relationships.

My family in Belgium is better. The health of my brother is on the right track. He had a big problem physicaly and moraly. For 2 weeks, it shows encouraging signs. It
is always treated in hospital. My parents are also good because less problems with my brother. In April, my father celebrated the 81 years and those 76 years my mother. This weekend April 6 to 7, I was in Belgium and I spent two days with them. We talked about summer vacation. I will go with them for 3 weeks in France for their vacation from June 17 to July 7. Physically, they are good and I want to help them to take some happiness. For my father, it is a time of year where he has a lot of fun to go to the seaside in Port La Nouvelle, for more than 40 years.


Many of you have not received my news since November 2012. Here is a summary of ministries that I have been involved.

November-December 2012:

– All the months of November to mid-December for 5 weeks, I went to five cities in Romania to help to organize 2 days conferences for church leaders or leaders in their company. 900 leaders participated.

– I helped organize three different days of Evangelization in three different cities.

– The week before Christmas Day, our sketch group, consisting of 8 young people have played in the city center, in orphanages and to an association for the disabled.

January 2013:

– This is a very quiet month, because the very cold with lots of snow make organizing activity very difficult. We take this opportunity to plan and prepare the program for the year.

February 2013:

– All
month, I went to South Korea to resolve a big problem with my bank account
missionary in Korea. I took the opportunity to revisit the churches who support
me and meet new peoples.

March 2013:

– We had our General Assembly YFC Romania. It was truly a wonderful day. Everyone took pleasure in being together and also talk about how we can share the gospel and God’s love to young peoples.

– Leaders
from YFC Europe Central (Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Hungary, Croatia,
Serbia and Romania) met for 3 days in Slovakia to share our activities, to know
each others better and pray.

– During one week, we received 15 teens and 4 adults from the church Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. We have been in several schools. For teens Swiss and Romanian, we push them to share their life experiences. We visited 3 different churches in Arad, and participated in two youth meetings. We went an afternoon in an orphanage for games. We played basketball with young people in a wheelchair.

This was a brief summary of the activities that I had in recent months. Finally, I would like to share one of the projects I have at heart. It is our center in the village of Gypsy at Dumbrava. 5 months ago, we have taken the responsibility of a center that did not work well for 3 years. I help family Rad, who has at heart to help 120 families in this village, which represents more than 700 people, including over 500 children, teenagers and young people under 18. In our church building in this center, we houste 4 children’s classes. 2 classes in the morning and afternoon 2 classes, there are 80 children. The village school is unsafe and this winter, the roof of the school fell. For two weeks, a room in our center is being renovated to accommodate a doctor who will comes 2 times a week to see family. We hope to finish this renovation before the end of April this month. During this year, I hope to find financial funds in order to build a large room of 70 m2. For activities for youth, literacy classes for adults and some young people but also activities such as cooking, sewing, learn hygiene, music, etc

The names of the partners are: Stefan, Emilia, Cornelia, Ely, JP, Edi, Cristi and Dani, Eva and Petre, Lavi, Myung Soo and Dani.

Pray for us, that we can form a team. That we can share the gospel, helping young people in their needs, spiritual, moral and material. Thank you very much.

On my missionary website  you will find more information on my agenda for 2013 and photos ofactivities.Thank you from my heart for supporting me, for your perseverance in prayer and financially.

May God’s peace and God’s love be with you.

Myung Soo

My Mission News Letter from May to October 2012

Hello, all my friends …. How are you? I hope you had a great summer. Here in Romania from June to late September, we had temperatures like in Africa, an average 35° C and 40° C in the south … I love the heat, but some days it was impossible to do somethings.

After many months without news from me , I have a lot to share with you. As my habit, in my newsletters, I often share a Bible verse. And so I would not change my little tradition. In the Bible, in the book of 2 Corinthians 5:17-21, we read these verses: “ So then, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; what is old has passed away – look, what is new has come! And all these things are from God who reconciled us to himself through Christ, and who has given us the ministry of reconciliation. In other words, in Christ God was reconciling the world to himself, not counting people’s trespasses against them, and he has given us the message of reconciliation. Therefore we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were making His plea through us. We plead with you on Christ’s behalf, “Be reconciled to God!” God made the one who did not know sin to be sin for us, so that in him we would become the righteousness of God.

During my summer activities, these verses constantly returning to my mind as a whisper. And especially this “All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. This “ministry of reconciliation” was like a “motto” to encourage and motivate our young volunteers, the great and important ministry that God has given us.

The Nobel Peace prize is for me the most important prize that a person can receive in our modern society. For me, Jesus Christ is the first person who received the Peace Prize, not from Nobel but from God. The Nobel prize is often given to a person who has played a major role in the reconciliation between two countries or group of persons, conflict or war. Or a person who has demonstrated by acts during his life, a great compassion towards children, women and men.

Jesus Christ has done those two things: first it has solved the problem of sin and He has reconciled man with God. And secondly He demonstrated by these acts of compassion, extraordinary love towards children, women and men from all social backgrounds. The price that Jesus Christ paid … He sacrificed himself by offering His life on the Cross for our sins so that we might be reconciled to God. And He gave his time and all that he had, besides, to help people physically, morally, economically and spiritually.

To all our young volunteers, I encouraged them by saying that all of us who have accepted to be reconciled with God by accepting Jesus Christ, God has given us each a Peace Prize (John 14:27, ” Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you“) who is the price of reconciliation, but more importantly God gave us a function, a ministry with this price … is to reconcile peoples who are around us with God . I’d like to finish with the words of verses 21: … we implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God!

My activity report May to September 2012

Let me begin by informing you that during the months of May and June, with Cornelia, my college in YFC Romania, we finish all actions concerning our missionary association YFC Romania. We reconstructed a new team consisting of 14 people, old and new members. The Board of Directors is composed of seven persons, of which I am president. For years, I have worked by myself in the context of YFC Romania, but now with this new team, I am very happy to worked together. And especially a new direction is that of YFC Romania to help teenagers and young people to share their livers in God by organizing many musical activities, pantomimes, sports (in collaboration with the basketball team in a wheelchair) and various forms of camps.

– May:

1-4: John Dunca, our Director of YFC Europe and Middle East, came to Romania. The purpose of his trip was to meet members of YFC Romania and he encouraged us in the responsibilities we have. We had a great time in his company in Arad and Augustin (central Romania 50 km from Brasov).

17: With Young leaders of my church, we went to Cluj for a youth meeting. We had 80 youth.

18-19: With the basketball team Temerari wheelchair, we were invited to an international competition in Belgrade, Serbia. The team finished third on … 4. But they played well as the team of Serbia and Croatia were very strong.

21: Under the YFC Romania, we had our first meeting of the new Board of Directors, at Christian Galea home (Vis-President of YFC Romania) We had a very good evening to discuss the future of our YFC Romania.

25-26: I helped a church in Arad to organized a Worship and Praise Conference. During these two days, nearly 600 young people has participated. In the program, many songs of praise, preaching, prayers and evangelism. 200 young women, in wedding dress, had a parade in a mall in downtown. I assure you that this is a very good way to attract attention and start conversations.

27-30: 2 years ago, friends from Span are helping young peoples who has problems from Down syndrome or different pathologies to attend normally school. These friends came to Romania to meet the parents who has children with problems in Zalau, northwestern Romania. One of the goals was to discuss how to create a special class for them. A high school at Zalau has agreed to provide a class for them. So in September, this special class began with 9 young peoples. And latest news, these children and young people are really happy together and loved to attend school. We also went to the youth center in Cehu Silvaniei. My friends from Spain bought kitchen equipment and a new range for this center.

– June:

01: It was the National Children Day in Romania. We organized many activities in a school of Arad. More than 300 children, from 8 to 14 years old, participated in our games, songs and sketch. Through these activities, we were able to share the Gospel. This is the second consecutive year that we go to this school. The manager is really happy to see us.

03: Metanoia church, where I am a member, had a baptism service with 11 people and after we had a large barbecue party with all members of our church and with friends. We had over 800 people in the countryside on the outskirts of Arad. It was a wonderful sunny day with a thousand blessings from our lovely God.

04-06: I went to Craiova, southern Romania to meet with church leaders. We discussed some project for 2013. We would like to organize a great crusade for youth in the city of Craiova, where more than 300,000 live there. It is a city of over 20,000 University students.

18: I went to Bratasanca to prepare the week of evangelism that we had in August.

19: I went Oltenia, Southern Romania, meet church leaders villages Bistreti Rast and to encourage and prepare activities that we had in September.

22-24: I went to Poina Brasov, helping a very good friend Christian to organize a conference for staff of his company.

25: As part of our mission YFC Romania, we had our board meeting.

27-30: I went to Belgium to help my parents.

– July:

01-30: I went to accompany my parents in the South of France for their summer holidays. My father (80 years old) can not longer drive his car for 3 years for medical reasons. My parents are going on vacation for 39 years at the same location in Port La Nouvelle, France. For my father, this is really a great happiness to spend a month at the seaside during the year. Holidays in France are one of the few pleasures he has yet. My mother (75 years old) had heart problems, 2 years ago, so she is less physically, but she has adapted. I was really happy to spend time with my parents and to help them.

– August:

10-19: We organized a campaign of evangelization outdoors on a soccer field, in collaboration with the local church at Bratasanca village. We have organized many sports, games, crafts, every evening a Christian movie and the last two days with several concerts. Every day we had a Bible teaching. In small groups, teenagers and young people discussed and shared their experiences on the subject of biblical day with their group leader.

23: As part of our preparation for the campaign of evangelization at Arad, we had a meeting for the twenty volunteers from two local churches.

27-02: We organized a campaign of evangelization outdoors in the park of the city of Arad in collaboration with two local churches. We have organized many sports, games, crafts, every evening a film and the last day Christian music concert. Every day we had a Bible teaching. In small groups, teenagers and young people discussed and shared their experiences on the subject of biblical day with their group leader.

– September:

12: For all teenagers and young volunteers who have participated in our activities, we organized a large barbecue and then a great walk in the hills. We spend a great day all together.

17-19: Each year, the mayor of our city of Arad organizes a fair for all NGOs from the city, in front of the City Hall. YFC Romania was invited. We had the opportunity to make a stand. We organize some sports and music events. I personally made Belgium Waffles and we have sold them for the benefit of our mission.

24-30: We organized a small evangelistic campaign village of Rast. We organized events like sports, football and tennis as well as games and one concert. The village of Rast is predominantly inhabited by Rroma (Gypsy). We are helping Pastor Adi Gaspar and his family. They are working there for 5 years. They are very brave because the conditions are very difficult. For example, they have water only between 6-9 am and 6-9 pm.

– Octomber:

04-08: I went to accompany and help friends who are part of the Romanian National Wheel Chair Team of Basketball. We went to Varna in Bulgaria, to participate for Wheel Chair International competition of Basketball Ball. For me it is an opportunity to share the gospel with them. And I can see that step by step, God is at work in their lives.

13: As part of Youth For Christ Romania, we had our meeting of General Assembly and Board of Directors. It was successful meetings where we could share and exchange ideas for the future of YFC Romania

22-26: I went to help a Romania mission, BIG Impact, to organize a National Conference for church leaders. This meeting took place at Sovata city, in central of Romania. 120 church leaders from across Romania came.

This is the end of my report for this part of the year. A big thank to all of you, for your prayers and support. So let be reconciled with God and thanks to Him for the ministry of reconciliation.

Your friend and servant in Christ, Myung Soo




  1. April

Hello, my friends.

Cristos a inviat (Jesus Christ is risen) … adevarat a inviat (this is true, He is risen)

With these two Romanians greetings, Christians greet each other’s on Easter’s Sunday.

Yesterday in Romania, we celebrated Easter. Romania is an Orthodox country; we celebrated Easter a week later, in general, compared to non-Orthodox countries. I hope you all had a great Easter. I leave you with this passage from the Bible. And I will not comment, because anybody who wishes to understand will understand the meaning of these verses from the Bible.

” For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God sent not the Son into
the world to judge the world; but that the world should be saved through him. He that believeth on him is not judged: he that believeth not hath been judged
already, because he hath not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God.”(Gospel of John 3 :16-18)

My travel to South Korea,

– Three weeks ago, I came back home in Romania. My trip to Korea was truly a blessing. I saw several Korean friends. God also allowed me to meet new people and new Korean churches. I started my stay in the city of Busan, then Pohang, Seoul, Gwangju, Yeosu, Busan, Changwon and terminated at Busan again.

– A big thank to everyone who helped me during this trip and who supported me in prayer. I do not write their names because they are too numerous.

– I spent 8 weeks in the country where God has allowed me to be born. I returned to the orphanage where I grew up. The small old orphanage has given way to a new, more modern, spacious and comfortable. But for me, I was a little sad because the old orphanage was like my first home. But for children who live there now, it’s much better.

– I met some friends I had not seen for over four years. As Jisoon family and their friends in Busan, family Wha Chul Son in Pohang, family Dr. Cho in Seoul, the family of Pastor Jeon in Kwangju, the Anna’s family at Yeosua and Song Chul’s family at Changwon. All these families, I have known them for over 10 years. They are a group of families on which I can trust, each time when I go to visit to Korea. God allowed me to meet and maintain contact with them.

– But I also met new people for the first time, as Mr. and Miss Kim Jung Busan. During my first two weeks in Korea, God allowed us to meet and we became friend. They did everything to help me. I was like one of their children. There are also the youth of the church of Yeosu. They did everything to put me at ease and feel as if I had known for years. There are many others.

– God gave me, with the help of my friends in each city, to share the missionary work in 10 new churches and several  Bible house groups. Two new churches in Busan have already started supporting me and for other churches, I await their response. I also visited the four churches who support me for several years.

– A great blessing was that during those eight weeks, many families welcome me so nicely and they let me to stay in their home. And during all my stay, dozens of people invited me to the restaurant. A big thank from the bottom of my heart to all those families and people who made my stay in Korea is enjoyable. Korean food is really delicious. I realize that my stomach is really Korean. I hope that in heaven, there will be a Korean Cooker ;o)

– This is how God has blessed me in Korea. In June 2014, will definitely be back.

My activities in Romania :

In March

– On 14, end of my trip to Korea.

– From 15 to 21 in Belgium with my parents and I helped a friend renovate a basement.

– From 23-26 in France. Participation in the General Assembly of YFC France

– On the 27th, back in Romania. Transport equipment and furniture for Romania

In April

– From 1-17, Cornelia, JP (Internet) and I are working to put in order, administrative and financial, our mission YFC Romania

– From 9-11, we had three days of evangelization in a school during the Easter holidays. 35 teenagers from disadvantaged families, participated in the programs (games, sports, meals, meaning of Easter, crafts and songs).

– From 18-22, YFC Romania assistance in organizing the National Conference for young women and women leaders in their churches.

– On 24, YFC Romania will help to organize a concert in Timisoara.

– From 26-28, I will go with a team of young disabled athlete to the national championship basketball and athletics at Bucharest city.

In May

– From 1-4, we have the visit of John Duncan, our Director of YFC Europe.

– From 7-9, I will go to southern Romania, Oltenia. I will meet several church leaders to prepare my move in this region in 2013.

– From 11-23, renovation of our YFC Romania meeting room and activities.

– From 25-26, YFC Romania will help to organize a conference in the city of Arad.

– From 28-30, I have two friends from Spain, they will come to visit us because they want to help a social project in Romania.

That’s part of my program. On my site you will find details.

To all of you who support me in prayer and / or financially, thank you thank you thank you … It’s really an honor and a joy to be a missionary, to work every day with God. I’m really happy. And I would really like to share my happiness and joy that are real. To all of you who invest in me, through your prayers and financially, you are all my “employers” and I am well aware of your sacrifice for me. Another big thank you from my heart for your support over the years

Your friend in Romania

YFC Romania, Myung Soo

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