Agenda 2014


19-26: Youth For Christ European conference  

27-30: Youth For Christ Romania Staff Meeting


01: At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting

07-08: Oltenia, helping Cornelia (our YFC Romania Staff) for the renovation of her flat. 

15: At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting

24-02At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting


3-9: In Belgium and France (be wit hmy parebts and meeting with YFC France wit jp)

11-16: At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting

20-21: YFC Romania Staff Meeting

22: Youth For Christ Romania General Assembly

28-30: Week-end mission at Dumbrava with a team from my local church Arad


1-6: Helping Cornelia (YFC Romania Staff) to move to south of Romania

9-13: Sport Wheelchair Basket Ball competition at Galati

19: Youth Gipsy Meeting at Dumbrava Village

25-27: Week-end mission at Dumbrava with a team from my local church Arad 


10: Fundraising activities in my church

17-18At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting

19-21: YFC Ro organize Teaching about to organize camps


3-4: YFC Ro Staff Meeting

9-13: Helping renovation Cornelia’s appartement, YFC Ro Staff, in Oltenia

14-15: At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting for Renovation Construction

24-28: Helping YFC Ro Augustin for their anual Camp for 20 young peoples 


01-13: In Belgium for to be with my parents and for helping a week of Evangelizing activities in the city of Liège.

21-27: Day-Camp at Dumbrava,


04-10: Day-Camp at Bratansaca village.

12-19: Day-Camp at Rast village


01-07: Day-Camp at Arad City 

12-14: Week-end camping with teenagers from my church

15-30: In Belgium with and to help my Parents


1-2: YFC Ro Staff Meeting 

9-11: Training GLS(Global leadership sumit)

18: Mountainbike picnic (65km) with youth and parents from Metanoia church

20: YFC Ro Board Meeting

27-31: Conference on adoptions in Romania 


6: YFC Ro Board Meeting

7-9: YFC Ro Camp for our volunters  

13-16: Helping to organize GLS, Global Leadership Summit at Oradea

18-23: At Dumbrava Village and Youth Meeting

27-30: Helping to organize GLS, Global Leadership Summit at Cluj


01-02: YFC Romania Staff Meeting

04-06: Helping to organize GLS, global Leadership Summit at Timisoara 

09-10: YFC Ro Staff meeting

15-21At Dumbrava Village and youth meeting and with youth from my church

22-26: In Belgium for Christmas with my family

26-03: YFC Ro Camp with french peoples from YFC France.

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