Agenda 2010

January 7 to April 16

I was in Belgium, for my second big surgery on my left knee.


16: I returned to Romania.
24-29: National Conference with speaker apologist Ravi Zacharias. Our church has organized this event for 550 church leaders. I was responsible for the technical sound and lights.


22: 35 people from our church went through the waters of baptism. Our church is too small, we have only 300 seats, we had to organize this baptism in another church of 600 people. There were so crowded that dozens of people remained outside.
27-30: Concert of evangelization in the open area in the football stadium village Bratasanca. This is the first time the village church held an evangelistic campaign in outdoor. They asked me to help them.


04-27: I was with my parents for three weeks in France. My father is no longer allowed to drive since he had heart problems in January this year.


02: I returned to Romania for the wedding of a very good friend Dani Ivanc. Together we have worked extensively in various missionary activities.
05-09: I went to visit the church of Barzuica, in southern Romania, to help two families and also to prepare their church camp.
25-01: A week of evangelism in the village of Bistret. 3 years, our church has established a new church in this village. With 7 people in our church we have organized many activities such as entertainment, but having to share the gospel.


02-07: Camp with University students.

16-21: Camp with 23 children and teenagers from the village of Gypsies in the village of Lazareni Gilau.


03-05: Weekend mission in our church planting in the village of Bistre, with 8 youth from my chuchr.

08-12: In the city of Brasov, National Conference for young women and women with responsibilities in churches
lures. I did not participated in their conference, but I helpe them technicaly.

24-26: Conference for musicians and sound technicians of vile in Targu Mures. We were over 80.

28: Day retrospective for children and teens from school for gypsy village Lazareni. We screened the movie and photographs of the camp that these children have spent Gilau of 16 to 21 August. Many parents have seen the joy of their children.


13-16: In Cluj Napoca, GLS conference. It is an extension of the Conference for those with responsibilities, organized by the American church to Willowcreek. 2 years, I am part of the Romanian team in charge of going from town to town for the proper conduct of this event.

20-24: A Craiova, GLS Conference

29-31: Weekend mission in our church planting in the village of Bistre, with 8 youth my church.


03-07: In Bucuresti, GLS Conference

10-14: A Galati, GLS Conference

17-21: A Hunedoara GLS Conference

24-29: A Satu Mare, GLS Conference


01-04: In Timisoara, GLS Conference

05: Mission in Barzuica, Oltenia Area (South Of Romania)

17-19: Weekend mission in our church planting in the village of Bistret, with 12 youth from my church

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