Dear friends, my name is Eric Merchie, my Korean name is Kim Myung-Soo. I’m missionary in Romania for Youth For Christ Romania since 1992

I was born in Seoul, South Korea in 1966. I grew up 4 years at Seoul Baby Orphanage. In 1971, a wonderful Belgian family adopted me. I grew up in Montegnée, city of Liege. In French speaking part of Belgium. My father name was Raymond, my mother was Fernande, my sister is Pascale and my brothers are Maurice and Michel. I’m the youngest. My new family gave me so much Love and affection. With my mother, I went to the Catholic Church when I was between 10 and 17 years old. It was my first step in knowing God.

In  school and high School, God gave me the opportunity to meet Eric Zander, his father was a Pastor.

Eric became my best friend. He shared me the gospel for 6 years and he invited me so many times to go to his church. He had a lot of perseverance. Even if I didn’t go in his church, he still was my best friend. His attitude was really a big testimony for me. I accepted to go to his church when I was 19 years old for the Christmas party in Evangelical Protestant Church from Ans-Alleur City. I really liked the way that youth welcomed me and let me fell so comfortable. Week after week I went back to Eric’s youth group.

One year after, at 20 year old, I decided to accept Christ as personal savior in my life. In 1985, I was baptized. After that, for 7 years, I was on the youth leadership team, with Eric Zander and Philippe Salsac. I went to University of Liege, for a master’s degree in Physical Education (to become a sport teacher in high School).  In February 1992, a good friend Mark Montgomery, took me with him for a mission trip to Romania for 2 weeks. In 1993, I moved in Romania for starting Youth For Christ Romania. In 1994-1995, I went to European Bible Institute in Paris, to learn more about Mission. After I went back to Romania and became National Director of Youth For Christ Romania.

My Testimony

My life started in Korea,I was abandoned at age of around 18 months. In 1971, a lovely Belgium family with 3 children decided to adopted me. I had no family and God has given me two families: a wonderful Belgian adopted family, a sister and two brothers, and another Christian family with brothers and sisters around the world. From my adopted family I have received much love and affection and a very good education. Even though they are not Christians, my parents are in my eyes exemplary parents. In my Christian family I have brothers and sisters who have encouraged me to know and love God and to serve Him as a missionary.

Belgium is catholic country, my education has been impregnated in this Catholic environment. Until I was 17, I regularly went to the Catholic Church with my mum.  I learnt that God exists and I used to pray the Ave Maria and Our Father daily. I was firmly convinced that God was a good God. But that was it. The Catholic Church does not really encourage people to read the bible and it was very difficult for me get to know God better.

But in God grace, He brought me into contact with a 12 year old Christian boy at school, who gradually became my best friend. Over 6 years he persevered in sharing the gospel with me, praying for me and in inviting me to the church where his father was a pastor.

I declined the invitations since my free time and holidays were fully consecrated to basket ball. I was a very introverted boy and faced big difficulties expressing myself verbally.  This sport was for me a way to express myself.

In the last year of secondary school, I agreed, for the first time, to attend my friend’s youth group. It was around Christmas time in 1983. I really loved the atmosphere. The youth group welcomed me and gave me much attention. God gave me the courage to go back to this evangelical church week after week. When I was 19, I made a public testimony and was baptized, to show that I had accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and as master of my life. My parents never opposed my decision to become a Christian and to become a member of a protestant-evangelical church. They were rather happy with my decision.

Accepting Jesus, I had finally got to know God personally. During my youth I knew that God existed and that He was behind the door of my heart. The catholic church taught me that God was somewhere behind that door, but not easy to have a personal relation with Him. By accepting Jesus, I opened that door and established a relationship with Him. I learnt that God does answer our prayers, and responds to our questions and worries. The communication works in both directions. I know that He loves me, that He loves us so much that He sent Jesus, his only Son, to die on a cross for our sins after He instructed us to reconcile ourselves with God and to live eternally with Him.

A missionary came to our church, two years after my conversion, to talk about her life as a missionary in Nepal.

I was very touched by her testimony. And little by little God planted in me the desire to become a missionary as well. Looking back at my life, I noticed how good God had been to me. From the orphanage without a future, God found me a wonderful family where I found love and affection.

I have decided to serve God full-time. It’s as if I gave back to God the life He has given me. And with all my heart I want to serve Him until the end of my days here on earth. This verse in Acts 20:24 expresses well the purpose of my life.

The first step in my Christian life was to serve God during 7 years in my church as a youth leader. The second one is currently serving Him in Romania since 1992 as founder of  Youth for Christ Romania.

In all years of my Christian life I praise God for His support in all circumstances, both happy and sad. Through Him I have met faithful Christian friends in several countries. Being a missionary is not the work of one person alone but, a team work, a collaboration between one person in the field and Christians who support him in prayer and financially.

God has given me the opportunity to visit Korea, the country where I was born. I didn’t found my Korean family, parents. But meet my Korean Christian family. He has been gracious to me in giving me an adopted Belgian family, but also several Korean churches adopted me as a missionary and would support me in prayer and financially. Day after day I learn to serve Him and living by His grace.

My Belgium family

My father Raymond and my Mother Fernande : my Parents Pass Away, my father on November 2014, and my mother on January 2015

My sister Pascale, she has 2 childrens, Roch and Beatrice :

My first brother Maurice, he has 2 children, Sophie and Charlotte:

My second brother Michel, he has 3 children, Catherine, Michel Jr. and Vincent:

For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. – Jeremiah 29.11

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